A Ribbon Diagram Of A Zinc Metallo-Beta-Lactamase Protein Is Shown

A ribbon diagram of a zinc metallo-beta-lactamase protein is shown – A ribbon diagram of a zinc metallo-β-lactamase protein is shown, providing a captivating visual representation of its intricate structure. This diagram unveils the protein’s architectural blueprint, revealing the arrangement of its secondary structural elements and the location of its active site.

Through careful examination of this ribbon diagram, we embark on a journey to decipher the molecular mechanisms underlying the protein’s function and its significance in various biological processes.

The ribbon diagram showcases the protein’s overall architecture, highlighting the spatial arrangement of its alpha-helices, beta-sheets, and loops. These structural elements intertwine to form a complex three-dimensional scaffold, providing stability and facilitating interactions with other molecules. The diagram also pinpoints the location of the active site, the catalytic hub of the protein, where crucial biochemical reactions take place.

1. Introduction: A Ribbon Diagram Of A Zinc Metallo-beta-lactamase Protein Is Shown

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Metallo-beta-lactamase proteins are a class of enzymes that play a crucial role in bacterial resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics. These enzymes hydrolyze the beta-lactam ring, rendering the antibiotic ineffective. Analyzing the ribbon diagram of a zinc metallo-beta-lactamase protein provides valuable insights into its structural features and catalytic mechanism.

2. Structural Features

The ribbon diagram of a zinc metallo-beta-lactamase protein reveals a compact and well-defined structure. The protein consists primarily of alpha-helices and beta-sheets arranged in a two-domain architecture. The N-terminal domain contains a beta-sheet core flanked by alpha-helices, while the C-terminal domain is composed of a four-helix bundle.

Spatial Arrangement

The spatial arrangement of these structural elements creates a deep active site cleft that is lined with conserved amino acid residues. The cleft is surrounded by flexible loops that play a role in substrate binding and catalysis.

3. Active Site

The active site of the zinc metallo-beta-lactamase protein is located at the interface of the N-terminal and C-terminal domains. It contains a zinc ion that is coordinated by three histidine residues and one aspartate residue.

Key Residues

The key amino acid residues involved in catalysis include Serine 70, Lysine 73, and Glutamate 166. Serine 70 acts as the nucleophile that attacks the beta-lactam ring, while Lysine 73 and Glutamate 166 stabilize the transition state.

4. Metal Coordination

A ribbon diagram of a zinc metallo-beta-lactamase protein is shown

The zinc ion in the active site is coordinated by three histidine residues (His 116, His 118, and His 119) and one aspartate residue (Asp 120). This tetrahedral coordination sphere is essential for the stability and catalytic activity of the enzyme.

Role of Zinc Ion, A ribbon diagram of a zinc metallo-beta-lactamase protein is shown

The zinc ion plays a crucial role in the catalytic mechanism by polarizing the carbonyl group of the beta-lactam ring, making it more susceptible to nucleophilic attack by Serine 70.

5. Comparison with Other Metalloenzymes

A ribbon diagram of a zinc metallo-beta-lactamase protein is shown

Comparison of the ribbon diagram of the zinc metallo-beta-lactamase protein to those of other metalloenzymes reveals similarities and differences in structural features and active site architecture.


Many metalloenzymes share a common structural motif, known as the “metallo-beta-lactamase fold,” which consists of a two-domain architecture with a deep active site cleft.


Differences in the specific amino acid residues involved in metal coordination and catalysis contribute to the diversity of metalloenzymes and their substrate specificities.

Helpful Answers

What is a ribbon diagram?

A ribbon diagram is a graphical representation of a protein’s three-dimensional structure, where the protein’s backbone is depicted as a ribbon, and its secondary structural elements, such as alpha-helices and beta-sheets, are represented by different colors and shapes.

What is the significance of zinc metallo-β-lactamase proteins?

Zinc metallo-β-lactamase proteins are enzymes that play a crucial role in antibiotic resistance, as they can break down β-lactam antibiotics, rendering them ineffective.

How does the ribbon diagram help us understand the protein’s function?

The ribbon diagram provides insights into the protein’s active site, where the catalytic reaction takes place. By identifying the amino acid residues involved in metal binding and catalysis, we can deduce the protein’s mechanism of action.